Rachel Hadas

In the Vestibule
April 19, 2013 Hadas Rachel

In the Vestibule


The in-between is queasy

but all is in between.


Midsummer green? Monotonous

when everything is green.


The sea: a glittering question

when everything is sea.


This vestibule? Unsettling.

I teeter first one way


and then the other. In

or out? I am a fool


to be so caught off balance.

All is vestibule.

Rachel Hadas’s most recent book is “Ghost Guest” (2023).  She has two new books on the horizon: “Forty-four Pastorals” for late 2024, and a prosimetrum, alternating prose and poetry, “From Which We Start Awake,” in 2025.  She taught  English for many years at the Newark campus of Rutgers University, and is currently Original English Verse Editor of “Classical Outlook.”