Drew Milne

March 8, 2015 Milne Drew


they talk very grammatically’, Edward Topham


some deluge loafing letter
rose mouthing that capital
to rank or drawn facsimile
through dark stays exposed
to sale and the herb women
shunning the heavy hand of
drysalters how said lichen
did each storey of land as
a house is in the sensible
dressed macaroni home spun
as all stone of brown cast
runs down the great swifts
in painted pattern figures
of commodities sold within
so fond of glaring colours
but a plaintive simplicity
in the general of the song
and many sable processions
foxed trappings and blazes
how empty founds in formal
panegyric shall beg stupid
to leave the letter in yrs


Drew Milne‘s collected poems, ‘In Darkest Capital’ were published by Carcanet in 2017. Recent poems have appeared in Lana Turner Review, Chicago Review, Poetry London, PNReview, Angelaki, Blackbox Manifold, and Visual Verse. He is the Judith E Wilson Lecturer in Drama & Poetry, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge.