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  • Three prose poems by Marie Lundquist translated from Swedish by Malena Mörling

    Three prose poems by Marie Lundquist translated from Swedish by Malena Mörling   The nights when you practice tenderness, the air like a skin around the words. On top of the crest: the dripping udder, red currant breast, rowanberry blood, and the blush of the apples. The sun is leaping in Leo and Virgo. Such is the month of harvest,


    Just at that point
  • Two Poems

    I could never say anything about my father
  • Repair

    In this, our chapter on enamelware
  • Chaja-Lea Returns

    This is where we were
  • Three Poems

    I gave my mother
  • I Can’t Tell If the Light Is Whispering “Loss” in My Ear or Imprinting Darkness on My Body

    At the last house,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    When the light goes out, and the book is set down
  • Checkerboard Mesa

    Dear mesa, dome of rock, do you remember your deep past?
  • Two Poems translated from the Persian by Sholeh Wolpé

    I’ve heard the volley of a thousand soldiers,
  • Gott im Himmel and The Corner of Bellington Street and Sparta

    Gott was thicket, thorned, glottal,
  • Three Poems translated from Argentinian Spanish by Lorena Wolfman

    Entering the house from the back without letting anyone know,