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  • Called to Lapse

    And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears

    And the light would tattoo itself across her mouth
  • Yet Another Life

    And then one day I was no longer up
  • Hi. My Name Is Billy Hollands.

    And there it is, that little tilt of my head –
  • On Thumbing Through Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation

    And what of the bird-headed dwarfs
  • Washing Women, Cathedral and Sky

    And when deep into the afternoon,
  • Butchering the Ram | James Cameron Descends into Lake Baikal

    And while traveling the transcendental path of non-violence,
  • Into the Flame

    And you lay for decades counting sheep
  • The Path of Non-Attachment

    Andrew totaled my car, leveled the house,

    Angel of the gap thrills to floodwaters
  • Another case of sitting still in a room as for chamber music minus | I’m sure some animals negotiate and plea.  I’m sure there’s a hard winter’s compromise | Lou Reed sings “Berlin,” a voice that has in it paradise if paradise was broken

    Another case of sitting still in a room as for chamber music minus
  • Morning, Redux | Drift Road

    Another morning in the obscure,