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  • Three Poems

    Typos   Word instead of wood but, sodden, it smoked when it burned. I wrote god for good who was, once–– in my childhood years, crowned with the nimbus of that capital G–– but now tends to be a placeholder for nightmare, tears. Seeking solace in the pastoral, but grove came out as grave and the lymph nodes, irradiated, naked

  • Three Poems and a Translation

    In life I was chasing a deer. In sleep the deer
  • Three Poems by Abba Kovner translated from Hebrew by Rachel Neve-Midbar

    I am not holding a mirage
  • Three poems by Li Suo translated from Chinese by Lucas Klein and Henry Zhang

    the cemetery east of river bank road
  • Three poems by Nadia Mifsud translated from Maltese by Miriam Calleja

    abracadabresque this silence spreading sorrow
  • Three Poems from “Where Are the Trees Going”

    Inhabited uninhabited house subject to the air’s structure
  • Three Poems from a Work in Progress

    Deer in the backyard, Schubert’s ninth
  • Three poems from Kembang Kertas (Balinese for bougainvillea) in Filipino and Kinaray-a

    Here, we are told
  • Three poems from The Abduction by Maram Al-Masri, translated from French by Hélène Cardona

    I hugged him
  • Three Poems Translated by Brian Henry

    I’m not my own bacterium,
  • Three Poems translated from Argentinian Spanish by Lorena Wolfman

    Entering the house from the back without letting anyone know,
  • Three Poems translated from Chinese by Steven Bradbury

    The ancient Greeks believed that if you took everything