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  • Danger: A Triptych

    I thought at first it was a rock, a pebble my own tire had somehow kicked up in a weird curve.  I kept driving to my
  • Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc  

    Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc   Ada Byron   It can be said that the first weaves algebraic drawings, just as Jacquard’s loom weaves flowers and leaves. Ada Byron I   Through a network of windows I discover that Ada Byron (daughter of Lord Byron) devised the first computer algorithm.

  • Dark Enough

    I found her long black coat
  • David

    we wait in an arc with flashlights
  • Dawn Without Sun & Mist Gently Smothers Sight

    Dawn without sun
  • De Profundis | Sea Song for Couples in Love

    Sometimes you are going past on a motorbike and you look up in time to see a woman who loved you hand in hand
  • Dead Tree in the Back Yard & Gait

    You aren’t mine. A lot line
  • Dealing with the Forbidden & How It Begins

    I've a talent for throwing things away.
  • Dear American Amnesia

    I know you are only trying to make
  • Dear Creature

    Because of what I did
  • Dear Lucinda Williams and Dear Jules

    A power in proximity to terror, the lower middle-class sublime of a car’s back seat,
  • Dear Meat

    What's your point?