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  • De Profundis | Sea Song for Couples in Love

    Sometimes you are going past on a motorbike and you look up in time to see a woman who loved you hand in hand
  • Dead Tree in the Back Yard & Gait

    You aren’t mine. A lot line
  • Dealing with the Forbidden & How It Begins

    I've a talent for throwing things away.
  • Dear American Amnesia

    I know you are only trying to make
  • Dear Creature

    Because of what I did
  • Dear Lucinda Williams and Dear Jules

    A power in proximity to terror, the lower middle-class sublime of a car’s back seat,
  • Dear Meat

    What's your point?
  • Dear Reader Are You Having a Good Day?

    Dear reader are you having a good day?
  • Dear— and On Misreading a Line by Mario de Andrade

    Scorch splinter shard and itch  Dear glitch
  • Death and the Miser

    When death comes, it all goes:

    Carry her the way it has to hurt:
  • Death of God

    Bituminous was so soft, so much like dust