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  • The Fortieth Day | Pussy Riot/Want/Don’t/Want

    Now she called forth nights of a different kind of brilliance when the moon wrapped every thing with light—
  • First Wedding

    It was one of those days when not even the bland sun
  • Clothes

    Because other things needed buying,
  • Thanksgiving Near Cape Coast & Pine Cones: April 2020

    Churning along through viscous mud,
  • Ode to Disarmament

    I am fairly sure that the leafhopper
  • Five Per Page and Title covered in flies

    Yard sticks and shards are kept in a jar shaped as a cowboy boot.

    I sat in the parking lot of the sleep clinic
  • Tartine. Quasi-unfamiliar. To handle a relationship

    In her teenage years,
  • Nesting & a triptych

    At my parents’ house nothing is in boxes, nothing is packed.
  • Train to Naples and “It’s Awful Plain”

    Five ceramic half-ducks flew up the wall.

    Just at that point
  • Apology to My Husband’s Snore

    You goosehonk, one-note oboe or contrabassoon.