Jennifer L. Knox

Song of The Hoarse Bullhorn Holder
March 9, 2014 Knox Jennifer L.

Song of The Hoarse Bullhorn Holder


I eviscerated Vince, my prized pig, to calm the churning sea

of unnamed pigs. Anonymous wave hooves, you’re welcome.

Then I eviscerated myself. Waving blue ribbons, you’re welcome.

Both times it was hard to keep pressure on the blade once the tip

was in. A nursing student helped me finish the job. Faceless

white uniform, you’re welcome. This poem’s for you. This new

mirrored manicure’s for you. No matter what the newscast says,

there’s only one spaceship big enough for all of us, including

the ever-cool beast with feathered hair so no sudden freak-outs,

nix on the flinching ‘til we’re belted in. “Ready for blast-off,

Chewie!” I tell him. “The name’s Vince,” he says, then, “and

you’re welcome.” I knew he looked familiar. He says more

stuff. I don’t listen. My mind’s fully occupied by the human

pyramid­­. It’s really coming together, out in my garage.

Jennifer L. Knox’s new book of poems, The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway, is available fromBloof Books. Her other books, Drunk by Noon and A Gringo Like Me, are also available through Bloof. Her poems have appeared four times in the Best American Poetry series (1997, 2003, 2006, and 2011) as well as the anthologies Great American Prose Poems, From Poet to Present and Best American Erotic Poems. Her work has also appeared in publications such as The New Yorker, American Poetry ReviewFence, McSweeney’s, and Bomb. She is currently at work on her first novel.