Carol Muske-Dukes

Home-Boys: Baby & Me (a Sapphic)
November 13, 2011 Muske-Dukes Carol

Home-Boys: Baby & Me (a Sapphic)


Ex-gang members. Driveby days over. Zero

Tattoos, tagging. Sippy cups, hoodies. Baby

Daddies gather, stubble-cheeked, holding infants.

Rock-a-bye Central.


Awkward former enemies, rubbing elbows,

Slow-bounce babies: parachute cradle. X-nay

Gangsta language – A is for Apple, only.

Alphabet shakedown.


Toddler nap-time. Whispering pretty teen-age

Mothers. Foxy counterparts, purple lipstick,

Dreamy I-Pod lullaby, off-key. Next up:

Diapering for two.


Outside: L.A. traffic jam, backfires, smog-red

Sunset. Inside: recipes, meal plans, flowered

Hand-wipes, homemade. Tabletop mirror mirrors

Pick-up sticks, Windex.

Carol Muske-Dukes is now gladly retired from SoCalled U (or USC) where she was sole founder of the PhD program in Creative Writing & Lit. She is former Poet Laureate of California & former poetry columnist for the LA Times, author of 16 books, including 9 books of poems, 4 novels & 3 essay collections + co-edited anthologies. Long list Pulitzer prize finalist, National Book award finalist, NEA, Guggenheim, Ingram/Merrill, Castagnola, Poets & Writers/Barnes & Noble Writer for Writers award, etc. Pubs: NYTBR,+ Op Ed, New Yorker, LATimes, APR, Paris Review, Kenyon R – + an award-winning play (Guild Hall)