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  • Suburban Landscape, Summer

    Me, young and girlish, flesh not yet mourning.
  • Mantra Post- Storm Desmond

    After thirty-six hours indoors while Desmond

    Having just arrived, we are walked down a moonless
  • from Canisy

    Whenever we lined up to march into class, the assistant at my grandfather’s school always had us sing the kind of
  • The Transit Hall on Pier 86

    They say there’s a place in the brain for faces

    My windowsill’s lined with fossils, whorled limestone
  • Grade School Cafeteria

    When it has been
  • LATE

    The last time my father returned from work
  • Three Poems

    In the rainy sub-

    As sadder than ever
  • Prequel

    Take a seat. All you need to know is, I am
  • Three Orgasm Poems

    She thinks success would be her best revenge. It’s not enough for her now, merely to be alive. Or to feel bliss in brief