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  • Lava Lakes and Petrified Forests in the Afterlife

    I watched a roomful of faces exert effort to remain unrevealed
  • Good Stuff | A Love Letter from Larkin

    There’s some good stuff on Youtube, someone writes.
  • Moss City

    City down to the last nuance is moss,
  • A Sampler

    As you hold your breath, like a watchman waiting for sunrise. Let’s replace immediacy with a swift cataclysm, replace
  • Redeye | The Window’s Water

    that never sets,

    Gone, even the singing fountain, here
  • End of the Century

    We’ve slept too long, and that hasn’t stopped the incidental warping—
  • Instruction on Driving with an Orgasm | Napoleon’s Hat

    Look both ways before going out for a spin. And ease onto the road. Take careful note of the speed limit and
  • Sky

    What you draw as a blue stripe high above
  • Sestina

    The time is naturally over. It is another morning. Lie
  • Shot | Total Eclipse

    Don’t be distracted by
  • Undelivered letter from the Rev. Charles Smale to The Times, 1874 | Xiuhmolpilli, or The Binding of the Years, November 1507*

    We have spent too long debating Darwin in these pages