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    You’re wasting time. Your lilac needs pruning. By the shed,
  • Last Christmas

    Your best friend had brain cancer
  • Spectacle | Dear Bathtub | Freeway

    Your eyewear and my eyewear,
  • Salons

    Your friends are all sitting
  • Of The Heart, A Hymn & Interracial love affair ended by lynching of a man & let there be a song for zero

    Your name is ash
  • Almost an Elegy: For Tony Hoagland

    Your poems make me want to write my poems
  • Amsterdam

    Your shadow is born new
  • Toys

    Your toys, my child, hold them dear,
  • Fallow Ground & Geometries of Exile (or)

    your washboard hands
  • Bystander Effect, Permanence and Weapon

    Your weapon is an eraser.
  • A Convalescent Bed in a Field of Yellow Tulips

    Your wires trail into a gopher hole.
  • Nice Dark One

    Yours is a noble bio, one note