In Case the Messiah Comes
In Case the Messiah Comes Split screen city. East doesn’t go West and West doesn’t go East. Occupied neighborhoods, buildings on buildings on dust of history. Ramat Shlomo Haredi new homes with their backside to Shuafat. The Red brick headquarters model of 770 Eastern Parkway rising amid the white stone–in case the Messiah comes and wants to live
Two Poems by George Seferis, translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg
George Seferis, Two Poems, translated from modern Greek by Jennifer R. Kellogg Holy Saturday Tomorrow, the brilliant light of Easter. It will rain, but at least we won’t be in the office. The lambs, in the oven, remind me of a huge nursery. Korce, Albania 5.1.1937 Μεγάλο Σάββατο Αύριο Λαμπρή. Βρέχει αλλά δε