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  • Sleep

    There is a room, and inside the room
  • Exodus and At the Wilderness

    There is a certain safety from predator and love

    There are firm ones.  Soft, almost boneless ones.  Hardy/hearty ones.  Two-handed ones, cocooning.  Congratulatory
  • To Say

    There are dead children all over and under this earth
  • Before Summer Rain

    Then, out of the green of the grove,
  • Golgotha & Receiving the Host

    Then they came and cleansed you my love
  • Duet

    Their quest--what does the human body mean?--
  • Yard Art in Georgia

    Their presence was sudden.
  • How Sad

    Their kisses were bitterly thin,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Theatre people who know suppose them to bring good luck.
  • Bright in June Sun

    The young man, kneeling at his mother’s tomb, lays red tulips there,
  • The Last Plume Poems

    the year that is when Churchill begged