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  • Who Are You?

    who are you? the effect of well fed herds?
  • WHO did the blue school

    who bruised the wound
  • Who Pays

    Lord I have eaten and I don’t
  • Who Will Plant the Seeds of Svalbard and Orchard Fruit: Grafting

    as far north you go     as night you go night 
  • Whose Sky, Between | Rape of America. So, it appears

    A name that meant sound of an owl’s hard fall, another day of blood gunned to al
  • Why I Hate Nudist Camps

    Wayne had already flung off his t-shirt, pulled off his black Khakis to set up our tent—I can work faster if I'm naked
  • Why I Haven’t “Outgrown Surrealism,” No Matter What That Moron Reviewer Wrote

    I still love the sound of breaking,
  • Why I Started Writing a Novel

    Earlier today I started writing a novel out of the simple
  • Why I’m Here | Unbearable

    Why I'm Here
  • Why the Sphinx Likes Riddles and Episodic

    What she did,

    If the lion wants more
  • Widow

    You cannot consider yourself a widow just because the full moon has gone