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  • I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating, | A self beyond herself singed by the stars, fundamentally | Not the violent deaths that follow you around [if you were black] but the slow

    I hitchhiked through Harrisburg once: night and some light dislocating,
  • I Had a Cheerful and Gentle Dog

    I had a cheerful and gentle dog.
  • I Dreamed of Obama on the Night of His First Election

    He stirred the coals of my dwindling campfire. We were alone. Blue tendrils of smoke punctuated the Mesozoic haze
  • I Decided to Weigh My Head

    Was it really as heavy as it felt?
  • I Can’t Tell If the Light Is Whispering “Loss” in My Ear or Imprinting Darkness on My Body

    At the last house,
  • I Became Friends | When I Was Fifteen | I Can Recall

    I became friends with a girl who was in the institution with me, also fifteen, also getting shock treatment, a girl who
  • Hyphen

    Blue-black on my inked page,
  • Hymn of the Squirrels, Echidna Tremens and Singled Out

    Not an issue of ‘variety’, of red, brown, grey and black,
  • Husband-Watching Height

    That’s my fear, turning to stone.
  • Hurricane: Hera | Squall: Echo

    You never hear of Ixion, tied to a revolving wheel,
  • Hurdy Gurdy

    Like a grumbler who claims a five year old
  • Hunger Abstract

    A black cat