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  • Unrest or What the French Horn Can Teach You

    To master the French Horn, you need lips of steel
  • Unified Theory

    The night is blue and staggered with stars.
  • Unfinished Business

    Cleaning up, in the kitchen, she goes to wipe away a small black seed from the counter.
  • Unexceptional

    Except we were in love, or so it seemed.
  • Undomesticated

    The large goose does what it always will,
  • Undertaking

    “It is certainly strange
  • Undersong

    lintel/cromlech, arch & splay
  • Undelivered letter from the Rev. Charles Smale to The Times, 1874 | Xiuhmolpilli, or The Binding of the Years, November 1507*

    We have spent too long debating Darwin in these pages
  • Uncle Yehuda Sharvit Between Marrakesh and Draa

    When my uncle Yehuda got drunk
  • Uncle

    Here is the man who tells you
  • Unbeckoning Glass and Time Faking Surprises

    This color is exhaled smoke from a bummed cigarette, a stray cloud for the sky.
  • Ultimatum

    If I forget one character a day