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  • Three Poems

    After we moved to Tiny Town, Mom started selling huge Egyptian harps that were larger than the tiny houses.
  • Three Poems

    “Today we shall begin discussing Longinus’ treatise On the Sublime.”
  • Three Poems

    Lavishly robed and turbaned, the palmist
  • Three Poems

    came, still in her cremation box, when we threw her
  • Three Poems

    Woman in Drugstore, Receptionist, Counter Lady with Change for a Quarter, Clubwoman, Saleslady, Train Passenger
  • Three Poems

    Typos   Word instead of wood but, sodden, it smoked when it burned. I wrote god for good who was, once–– in my childhood years, crowned with the nimbus of that capital G–– but now tends to be a placeholder for nightmare, tears. Seeking solace in the pastoral, but grove came out as grave and the lymph nodes, irradiated, naked

  • Three Orgasm Poems

    She thinks success would be her best revenge. It’s not enough for her now, merely to be alive. Or to feel bliss in brief
  • Three More Claims to Fame

    Claim to Fame #7 :  Early Boyfriend
  • Three Ghazals

    When I woke in the night, I walked to the center of the dream.
  • Three Fascinations

    to wake to an alarm
  • Three Dances | Early Warning System

    In North Carolina
  • Three Ballerinas & Blue Plaques

    After the war, my father bought three little porcelain figurines in Germany, three