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  • The Afterlife of Fish and Opossum

    Whenever we caught fish when we were boys,
  • The Afterlife of Breath

    My father dead on the gurney
  • The Afterlife

    After life, pelicans glide above a shut- down bridge.
  • The Absurd Self Looking Both Ways at Once | Inventing Nightlife

    Plato said the world is divided into a world

    The falcon, which he’s just bought, at his cheek,
  • That ancient Egyptian poem

    Carved on a pillar—
  • Thanksgiving Near Cape Coast & Pine Cones: April 2020

    Churning along through viscous mud,
  • Thanksgiving Chorus

    Kindergarteners beautiful and dumb
  • Thalia

    I died with them while they were alive.
  • Testimony of an Armless Man

    I lost my arms in a farming accident, but later found I’d grown phantom limbs. There were many things I

    As grief begins taking up resi
  • Tenderly

    I see how you climb!