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  • Musée des Beaux Arts 

    Look at the science, already. 
  • Murder Ballad & A Story of Teeth

    Georg Wilhelm Steller married his sea cow in a simple  ceremony  on a Bering  Island  beach.
  • Mr. Palomar’s Wave

    A long time ago, I went with my aunt to hear

    Mr. Darcy talks to the same woman
  • Mr. Blake’s Skin Don’t Dirt

    Because the vanishing point hovers
  • Mowing     

    I never remember to ask what it is
  • Moving the Piano and From the Cliff

    Compact and gleaming, black and white,
  • Movie and Two Little Miners

    When I was ten    they took me into a coal mine
  • Moveable

    Swords drawn, Hem and his bronze friend
  • Mouth & Nomadic Reverie

    Molar: a grinding tooth at the back of a mammal’s mouth.
  • Mourning and Melancholia

    If I had two dogs,
  • Mother, at Last

    You were Scarlett O’Hara