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  • Kintsugi and We Did Not Murder One Another

    t will be spring  sometime, when the autumn dies, when the thaw melts.
  • Remnant Tongue

    I woke wounded
  • “October, and the sun burnishes”

    October, and the sun burnishes the leaves so brightly you
  • Three Poems

    Heat, filthy, gut-sick heat in my city’s cobblestone streets.
  • [There was the way his mother]

    There was the way his mother called him baby-faced that made me defensive.
  • Puritan Watc, Yonder and Birthday

    Longitude was the great mystery
  • In Waterplace Park on Our 15th Anniversary

    I’m waiting for you on the bank of the river,
  • How the West Was Won and Crack in the World

    Build a garage on the roof
  • The Last Photograph

    a golden shovel on the opening line of Gwendolyn Brooks’ “To Prisoners”
  • Almost and Caught Out

    Cows and sheep segregate themselves
  • The Insurgency of Tears is to Eradicate Sadness and Hold Joy as Close as the Moon

    Mike’s at The Whitney.
  • Picking Prunes and The Majestic Theatre

    From the ground up is how you rise