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  • An Occupation

    The world will end in pink.  Those clouds just above the horizon
  • The Dolls’ House Mysteries

    A woman lies so tidily
  • Sack

    Ancient river bed hacked and carved whittled deep
  • Embroidered Eyebrows of Eve

    Eve as reflection, Eve
  • Memorial Bench

    Suzanne and Half Zantop loved sitting here—
  • At the Cemetery

    Cloud cover from horizon to horizon
  • The List

    Branches shiver as if a wand
  • Indian River at Dusk

    The first and only time I caught a sheephead

    nothing but blue
  • In the Supermarket of Orgasms

    Some nights I feel so alone in my longing for you, love, alone in my supermarket of orgasms as I cruise the aisles of
  • It Happened All the Time

    Daylight shatters through the thatches where a bird might fall,
  • God-Box

    They give us a white cube, a paper box,