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  • Glimmer Train | Strike-Slip

    Redwinged blackbirds in the cattail pond—
  • Georges de la Tour! Georges de la Tour! | Metka | The Cross

    I see how you climb!
  • Tenderly

    I see how you climb!
  • The Sudden Walk

    When evening comes to find you still
  • Else

    At the first instance, to amuse others,
  • How Self-Consciousness Counts

    Why in hell should anyone understand
  • Which Makes Me, I Guess, the Muddy Colorado

    What we learn from most pornography is
  • Frog Dream in July for Lucio’s Brother

    I am a frog; I can

    Warms thieves.
  • House of Clouds | Song

    Clouds float over Giudecca  Island,
  • The Little Engine

    He is not an engine that could. Busted up, broken and backward, call him “fucked-up,”
  • He Was Amazed

    He was amazed by the curve of his life. What he thought unique had made its arc like any other, as if life had