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  • Fox and Piñata

    I saw my first movie
  • Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, a short film by Frank Heath with music by Cory Smythe

    Soundtracked by "Combustion 2" from the Cory Smythe album Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
  • On Brueghel’s Massacre of the Innocents

    He’s switched the scene from Bethlehem
  • Two Poems translated from Chinese by Steve Bradbury

    The still object Kazuo Ohno caressed is already growing old
  • Fish Belly Poem and a poem by Wang Yuyang translated by Arthur Sze

    Dr. Xia Kejun said today:
  • Three Poems

    I was four or five, bored by the dull terrain
  • Rue Delambre

    As soon as the plane takes off the city
  • Two Poems

    There was intent. To bisect the fields
  • ARS Poetica Chemistrica & Hitting the Bullseye of Depression

    alchemy: a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold
  • Fake Lemon Tree on a November Day in a Boat Depot in Chelsea

    O lemon tree, how you emerge, distinct from everything
  • The Madonna Poems

    She bends to lift him from the basket.
  • Three poems translated from the Polish by Piotr Florczyk

    At night we stood together on guard,