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  • Jerez translated from Spanish by Susan Ayres

    Perhaps his hand was not so cold
  • My Love

    Place your hand, my love, against my heart
  • The Absurd Self Looking Both Ways at Once | Inventing Nightlife

    Plato said the world is divided into a world
  • Lag sol time

    Please are the big good door, no one is so did it anymore will be to period. No: only if he’d sown wheat in a set fiche

    Plow blade excavated from a tomb
  • Disseminate

    Plums to the Garden of Eden. Their flesh
  • Fragments of The Sacrificial World

    Porpoises feed every morning in the shallows
  • DERRIÈRE LE MUR ANTI-BRUIT/PROMENADES EN ÎLE-DE-FRANCE by Chantal Bizzini translated by J. Bradford Anderson

    Pourquoi le rez-de-chaussée
  • Seeking Alpha

    Praise for the one who can take us above
  • A Prayer

    Praise the scent of wood
  • The Night Dancers

    Praise the shadows that slither up candlelit walls
  • Two poems by Silvia Guerra, translated from Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas

    Pray gather me, Anemone