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  • For Michael Gottlieb

    All this time me on he leadéd
  • End in Itself

    All veins point to a heart in depleted rivers, in branches,
  • Rilke 5 Translations

    Almost like on the last day when the dead tear
  • Two poems by Rafael Alberti translated from Spanish by Lorna Shaughnessy

    Already, a year asleep, some one not waiting
  • One for André Breton

    Always for the first time
  • No Heaven for the King

    Always in the faintest glow of pleasure, and always

    always the dark body hewn asunder; always
  • Purity | A  Withered  Rose

    Amazing solitude.
  • Lamentations

    America    more guns    more    than us
  • America

    America, I have a friend for whom everything went south
  • Quickies in Widowhood with three instances of laughter (one not narrated), two instances of crying

    Amid the whiteness of cheeses, corn puffs,
  • The Mercies of Noah’s Wife

    Among the most measly of beasts, she has her pets,