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  • So This is the Future & Hope

    After I found out––
  • Mommie

    After I’m dead, will the world will remember me
  • The Afterlife

    After life, pelicans glide above a shut- down bridge.
  • Q&A for Keyhole and Mammogram Hair

    After my reading to high school students
  • Soldier’s Wife in the Aftermath

    After the great war I stepped inside
  • At Arlington and Boys

    After the gunfire, the tact of “Taps.”
  • Before Things Got Bad

    After the mayor closed all the parks
  • HOUSEKEEPING:  Frida’s Future Kiss

    After the palm reader told her no man would ever claim her,
  • Risk Factor

    After the reading, a young Jewish woman

    After the service and reception hour
  • The Big Blow

    After the snow-soused April gale I wandered
  • Strength

    After the storm