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  • Ambition and House I Didn’t Mean to Build

    In excess always, gorged

    In every dark jazz club, in each smoky corner
  • La Bagatelle | Method | Dream Glance

    in cursive yellow hung above
  • A Five-Years-Late Note to Jake Adam York

    In Chicago, where the light plows over the lake into convention
  • A Fable: The Floss-Silk Tree and the Philodendron

    In Brazil they call the floss-silk  palo borracho
  • Laboring to explain

    in Ants and Men: Island Apocalypse,
  • Blueshift

    In another life I’m a cosmologist, lungs snow-
  • Half the Time

    In an emergency

    In an ancient park, isolated and icy,
  • Thinly Veiled

    In Alabama I learnt the difference between the state flag and the battle flag
  • A Bookstore in Hay-on-Wye

    In a Tudor castle now a vast used bookstore in Hay-on-Wye
  • The Tiger | Friendship  

    In a tourist magazine about the amusements of Rome,