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  • Movie and Two Little Miners

    When I was ten    they took me into a coal mine
  • Heretical Physics & Mermaid Rescued by EMTs in Colorado

    When I was englobed in subatomic quarks and bosons floating
  • Coattails

    When I was eighteen, I wanted to write a screenplay based on my father’s life: from his birth in poverty, how his family gathered around one scant meal a day of potatoes and onions
  • For D, reading poems

    When I was a kid, only a flu could buy me
  • Soul Mate

    When I was a girl, I had a dirty soul.
  • My Polish and Another Poem

    When I try to thank it, it shushes me. Then illuminates my way to the Exit.
  • Sharp Noises at Night

    When I travel to the Midwest, trains
  • What is Unknown

    When I tell her I’ve fallen for What Is Unknown, my mother’s face brightens.  “She’ll be a good girlfriend for you,”
  • The Ant’s Plunder

    When I stuck out my hand to grab the iron door handle, a hidden ant attacked my right
  • The Shell

    When I picked it up from the sand
  • Plait

    When I first knotted my hair against the coming of winter, I had grown tired of playing jacks and didn’t yet find boys
  • In the Next Life and The Office of Apology

    When I become the most trusted translator of your poems