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  • Ocean Park

    Call this landscape abstract if the world’s splendour
  • Ode to Cabeza de Vaca

    What good is it to see for miles and miles,
  • Ode to Disarmament

    I am fairly sure that the leafhopper
  • Ode to Fluffy | Poem for Engagement

    goodbye fluffy
  • Ode to Hands translated from Spanish by Mihaela Moscaliuc and Juan Suárez Proaño

    Nothing can hide from hands
  • Ode to My Dap

    Soon as I get my dap down
  • Ode to Roadside Shrines

    I first see you in Crete, little boxes on four skinny legs,
  • Ode to Scars

    The scars on others’ faces draw me to them.
  • Ode to the Google Maps Man

    Gold-suited spaceman, terranaut,
  • Ode to the Paper Clip

    O knot in two dimensions,
  • Ödön von Horváth | Brief Incident in Short a, Long a, and Schwa | My Friend’s Creation | Contingency (Vs. Necessity)

    Cat, gray tabby, calm, watches large, black ant.  Man, rapt, stands staring at cat and
  • Odyssey to the Self: Seven Minutes with Susan Rich and Nancy Mitchell

    When my mother took out the small skillet, black and flecked