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  • Florida

    Every beauty barbed, from the tiniest mites
  • Flight, Ours & A Burn So Bad It Requires Ice

    We’re in bad, we’re in terrible, shape
  • flail, snap, struggle & These Long Afternoons

    strangle, some eaten out by an infestation
  • Five Poems

    His Dublin sister, two sons,
  • Five Per Page and Title covered in flies

    Yard sticks and shards are kept in a jar shaped as a cowboy boot.
  • Five Orgasms after reading Lydia Davis

    You are sleeping beside me, but I can’t sleep, not in this roadside hotel smelling of new carpet and cigarettes. It’s late.

    Squinty, salt-dusted windows gaze into the distance.
  • FISHERMAN, 50 B.C.

    What else would I do on the river
  • Fish Belly Poem and a poem by Wang Yuyang translated by Arthur Sze

    Dr. Xia Kejun said today:
  • First Words

    In the marriage booth at sleep-away camp,
  • First Wedding

    It was one of those days when not even the bland sun
  • First Days at the Conservancy

    I’m looking out the window—Paula’s window—