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  • Two Poems

    I could never say anything about my father
  • Two Poems

    Deer sniff red November
  • Two Poems

    the way a kitchen’s dirty washcloth
  • Two Poems

    In a blue wool cape and pearl earrings
  • Two Poems

    A rectangular tray materializes, made
  • Two Poems

    My old man praised himself for not being
  • Two Poems

    Since a long time the parrot had been on Félicité’s mind, because
  • Two Poems

    The sky spills a certain sadness after sunset,
  • Two O’Clock and Stray

    As though all at once it is afternoon
  • Two Fat Braids Crossed at the Crown

    Mishearing you holding out the gadget plug,
  • Two Exhausted Bodies

    My insides are a flooded field. Though the field outside is larger and I have played there, laid
  • Two Dogs Passing Through the Yard | Practice

    One’s a male Aussie mix,