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  • One of a Series

    My daughter sees the sky from another angle, slate-blue reflected in a lake called living. 
  • One for André Breton

    Always for the first time
  • One and a Half Poems

    Well it began with a microburst from the North when the moon
  • Once We Were

    once we were immigrants
  • Once I loved an opera singer from Spain

    for 15 days, maybe 20.
  • On Time | Parallel Universes | After a Winter Storm: Grand Unified Field Theory

    The light years
  • On Thumbing Through Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation

    And what of the bird-headed dwarfs
  • On the Way to the Acupuncturist

    In the wrong lane, the slow one—

    I'm exploring the decks, the ship docked in Long Beach since '67. Same liner Mom sailed in '39 from England to
  • On the Grounds of the Zendo

    The face of the Buddha’s so smooth, she whispered,
  • On The Calculation of Chances

    It takes more than faith
  • On the Beach at Divi Bay, St. Martin

    Was melancholy yesterday, watching slate-grey clouds