
Sort By: Date Title First Line Random Index

  • Speculation on the Absent God

    As if abandoned
  • And Now, As Promised

    How lousy are your prospects when you
  • 36.

    A woman was choked by a metal shackle

    As sadder than ever
  • Polar Bear & Memento Mori: Stradivarius

    I am relieved. For twenty-seven years,
  • Sunday in Connecticut

    I drive into town.
  • Post-

    Clenching, unclenching her thin white fingers,
  • View From a Shrinking Floe

    Beyond the boats freed from the dripping ice
  • Reading Heidegger Brings a Wild Joy

    My discovery of your essential thingness
  • The Night Was Born

    This night was born in an old and dust-filled pantry, and yesterday’s – in the
  • Insomnia, A Love Story

    Everybody sleeps.  Our poem starts with that premise.
  • Shooting Pool in the Mental Hospital

    Because memory is not the hovering bank shot that stops at the lip