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  • Spit

    Some progress is anything but.
  • The Charter of Effects

    Counsel is a lawyer driven by money.
  • Before | Ode to Late Autumn, Auvillar

    The American poet died of head trauma
  • Stone Arabia

    The horses bisect the field
  • Oj Golube, Moj Golube

    I was born to pigeons cooing.
  • Wait a Minute, It’s Simple

    As I chewed thoughtful fruit breakfast
  • A Five-Years-Late Note to Jake Adam York

    In Chicago, where the light plows over the lake into convention
  • God-Box

    They give us a white cube, a paper box,
  • The Wind Cried Mary  

    In 1967 when Hendrix coaxed, Are you experienced?
  • Vesuvius

    No gazette ran the story,
  • Photographs, 1949 | Retiree

    In one, they pose, grinning straight at the Kodak,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    As the fight went on my father set