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    Once through an ancient stage door, past a sign
  • To a Soldier in Ukraine

    A soldier must know three things—
  • Two Poems

    A rectangular tray materializes, made
  • Duet

    Their quest--what does the human body mean?--
  • How Sad

    Their kisses were bitterly thin,
  • Five Per Page and Title covered in flies

    Yard sticks and shards are kept in a jar shaped as a cowboy boot.
  • Five Orgasms after reading Lydia Davis

    You are sleeping beside me, but I can’t sleep, not in this roadside hotel smelling of new carpet and cigarettes. It’s late.
  • Fifteen Essays on Boats, Boats, Language, and the SS

    The Palermo Airport is not large.

    The way you reconstructed the dream was telling –
  • From The Little Book of Passage

    Ecco il fiume che mi allarga lo sguardo, che mi attraversa la fronte.
  • Lost Leaders

    Some say that predatory sin was born of ignorance rather than
  • Chronoscope 241:  Briefly

    Briefly: the glare sun below the clouds