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  • Faust 1972

    This time, Faust was a nursing mother --
  • Instruction on Driving with an Orgasm | Napoleon’s Hat

    Look both ways before going out for a spin. And ease onto the road. Take careful note of the speed limit and
  • Pink is the Navy Blue of India

    Flea market guy tells me the pornos are five dollars
  • A Brief Portfolio

    A detail like a grave
  • Bruised Fruit

    These sun-poached pages like an old address book
  • Three Poems

    I’ve seen demons, each one tossed
  • Tongue of Language | Nightmare

    Oh tongue of language, moving with your comb
  • Moisei Fishbein translated from the Ukrainian by John Hennessy and Ostap Kin

    During the war and for some time after the war
  • Three poems from Kembang Kertas (Balinese for bougainvillea) in Filipino and Kinaray-a

    Here, we are told
  • Charcoal | Medicine and Magazines

    In my brown leather bag:

    The falcon, which he’s just bought, at his cheek,
  • Quotidian and Carry

    Steak dinners are the worst /you prefer the fatty cut / those white-ribboned slabs from Save-A-Lot