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  • A Convalescent Bed in a Field of Yellow Tulips

    Your wires trail into a gopher hole.
  • Pick Me Up

    the words love you, friend
  • Ekaterina Derisheva’s “in the ‘war’ mode” and “Houses Discuss” translated by Tatiana Retivov

    while they sort out who helped more
  • Apologetics

    A host of angels or a compass of cherubim
  • Three poems translated from the Polish by Piotr Florczyk

    At night we stood together on guard,
  • Last Day in Coldwater

    Our phone died due to lack
  • Painting

    all things look as if
  • First Words

    In the marriage booth at sleep-away camp,
  • The Third Visitor

    The Third Visitor understands
  • return of the repressed in the age of avantgarde robots

    creating and smashing ideas of high and low was a good
  • Ayotzinapa

    We bite the shadow
  • The Lord Is a Man of War | Far Desert Region | The Day-Shift Sleeps, | [Does the war want

    The Lord is a man of war