
  • Morris, Campo, Kolbe, et. al.

    Sawnie Morris on ‘Signaling to You’: “Signaling to You” began with a dream. I had no idea what the dream was “about” and felt an urgency to explore it. The dream caught my interest because in it two realities existed in the exact same time and place. The dream also caught my attention because it contained a wild creature behaving

    Issue #102 February 2020
  • Bakken, Kallet, Weaver, et. al.

    Christopher Bakken on “Goat Theology”   In the past few years, I’ve divided my summers between the islands of Crete and Thasos, places where the goat has always ruled. Whenever I encounter goats in those wild places, I am charmed by their mysterious and fearless behavior. What, this poem asks, is sacred to the goat? To the goat who answers

    Issue #101 January 2020
  • Svoboda, Lowe, Houlihan, et. al.

    Terese Svoboda on”Wrapped in Paper and String” I was thinking of how immigrants appear to so many brains as frightening – alien – and how the self is an immigrant to the self, and how you’re always in a foreign land. At the time I was experimenting with VR, feeling very astronaut with the helmet on and experiencing new totally

    Issue #100 December 2019
  • Silberblatt, Harrison, Armantrout, et. al.

    Neil Silberblatt on ‘Hagstrom’: As a result of several surgeries in 2016 – to remove cancerous tumors from my colon, then to remove much of that tubing, and then to reconnect what remained of that tubing – my abdomen now resembles a scarred landscape. For the longest time post-surgery, I could not bear to survey that landscape. This poem –

    Issue #99 November 2019
  • Grae, Starzinger & Brehm, et. al.

    Tanya Grae on “The Path of Non-Attachment”:   A few months after Hurricane Andrew hit, some people began calling it Saint Andrew. As a Category 5, it caused such total destruction that insurers wrote checks for the maximum policy value of homes and their contents. Everything people owned, new again, as if nothing happened. Of course, that wasn’t the case

    Issue #98 October 2019
  • Buckley, Friman & Barbarese et. al.

    Christopher Buckley on “Post-Structuralism” Well, my title is freighted with irony, of course . . . never a subscriber to Derida, deconstruction, and the theory-driven.  Hence the glib line from the ‘50s TV game show, What’s My Line, with John Daly, celebrity crew— Bennet Cerf, Arlene francis, and Dorothy Kilgallen—and the mystery guest signing in. Linguistically, logically in literature, I

    Issue #97 September 2019
  • Jollimore, Newell, Cooley et. al.

    Troy Jollimore on ‘Synecdoche’: Roger Ebert once said that no great film is depressing; only bad films are depressing. I agree with him, or thought I did until I saw Charlie Kaufman’s Synecdoche, New York. This challenging, despairing, thoroughly bleak film is undeniably depressing, undeniably brilliant, undeniably great. It is depressing and exhilarating at one and the same time. Quite an

    Issue #96 August 2019
  • Lea, Skloot, Pankey, et. al.

    Eric Pankey on ‘Melancholia’ and “Trouble in Mind’: These two prose poems, as with most the prose poems I have written over the past twenty years, were written to prompts generated by my graduate students in a course on the history of the prose poem. We read poems by Bertrand, say, or Stein, or Baudelaire, discuss their innovations upon the form.

    Issue #95 July 2019
  • Lehmann, Kenney, Withiam, et. al.

    Nin Andrews on ‘Soul Mate’: Years ago, I heard a speech by the late Tibetan lama, Gehlek Rimpoche (Allen Ginsberg’s teacher), in which he made fun of the American interest and love of the concept of reincarnation.  He wasn’t sure he believed in reincarnation himself, but he said that if it happens, he was pretty sure that it’s nothing like

    Issue #94 June 2019
  • Culhane, Dow, Nazarene, et. al.

    Brian Culhane on “The Immortality Ode” Often, I turn to solo piano music for inspiration, with the great Bill Evans always high on my list. I owe this poem to him, as it came into being when I began one of his recordings and pictured his hands above the keyboard, waiting to enter the melody. That image, in turn, led

    Issue #93 May 2019
  • Clinton, Sholl, Aronson, et. al.

    Robert Clinton on “Caroline” The woman Caroline was entirely different from the woman described in the poem “Caroline,” except insofar as she was attentive to her property and fond of the poet. The poem with its deceptions happened very quickly. I didn’t want to make an anti-Caroline, and I’m glad that, although nothing in the poem happened as written, everything

    Issue #92 April 2019
  • Berdeshevsky, Schwartz, Lindsay, et. al.

    Margo Berdeshevsky, for AS THE LAND LISTENS : This is—the long distance call. I’ve been listening all my life. Days of death throes for love or democracy, not only in America, but worldwide. Dire intentions and cruelties of the powerful, globally. In America, some grand new voices, many of them, women, demanding life. After the end… after the beginning… But

    Issue #91 March 2019