Amy Beeder

Amy Beeder is the author of three books. Her latest “And So Wax Was Made & Also Honey,” is out from Tupelo Press. A recipient of an NEA Fellowship, a “Discovery”/The Nation Award, James Merrill Residence, Bread Loaf Scholarship, and Witness Writers Award, she has also worked as a creative writer instructor, legal writer, freelance reporter, political asylum specialist, high-school teacher in West Africa, and an election and human rights observer in Haiti and Suriname.

  • Dissent: A Feature compiled by Amy Beeder

    Last December, I asked some poets if they would contribute to Plume something that expressed, however obliquely, their reaction to the presidential election of 2024.
    Plume Issue #163 March 2025
  • Beeder | Rivera

    How like a hive, his body−so busy with rigor,
  • Remedios: Tommy Archuleta in Conversation with Amy Beeder (and five poems)

    Remedios:  Tommy Archuleta in Conversation with Amy Beeder (and five poems)       Remedio: Añil del Muerto   To…

    Issue #144 August 2023
  • Veronica Golos interviewed by Amy Beeder

    Veronica Golos is author of four books of poetry, most recently Girl (3: A Taos Press, 2019) which Ilya Kaminsky…

    Issue #120 August 2021
  • francine j harris Interviewed by Amy Beeder

    francine j harris’ third book Here is the Sweet Hand, with which she “fully emerges as one of the best…

    Issue #110 October 2020
  • Caliche Sand and Clay: Five Albuquerque Poets

    I spoke with five women from Albuquerque: poets and also―variously―fiction writers, essayists, instructors, activists, artists, parents and caretakers.
    Issue #107 July 2020
  • The Neural Lyre: An Interview with Richard Kenney by Amy Beeder

    The Neural Lyre: An Interview with Richard Kenney by Amy Beeder Reader, I present to you Richard Kenney’s elegant, sharp…

    Issue #99 November 2019
  • Hailey Leithauser Interviewed by Amy Beeder

    Oh What Worms They Are: An Interview with Hailey Leithauser by Amy Beeder
    Issue #97 September 2019
  • Stephanie Burt

    One thing that excites me most about Advice from the Lights is the wide range of subjects and voices.
    Issue #90 February 2019
  • The Madness of Crowds

    Long thought wrongly to be Turkish for turban
  • Isle of the Narrator

    It's true these boots were taken from a dead man,
  • Hatfield

    Such lovely matter, rain, abundant rain,