Issue #146 October 2023

Man Ray, Departure of Summer, 1916, oil, canvas

  • Rhythm Benders: The Musicality of American Poetry by Michael Simms

    A poem is rooted in the rhythms of pulse, breath and movement.
    Issue #146 October 2023
  • On Frank Stanford by Timothy Liu

    They say you die three times.
    Issue #146 October 2023
  • Delbos, Johnson, Raab, et. al.

    Stephan Delbos on Translating the Poetry of Tim Postovit Tim Postovit is one of the most excitingly imaginative and worldly…

    Issue #146 October 2023
  • Beeder | Rivera

    How like a hive, his body−so busy with rigor,
    Issue #146 October 2023
  • Peter Johnson, Excerpts from Observations from the Edge of the Abyss

    In 1999, the eccentric Knott sent me thoughtfully inscribed cheap, staple-bound pamphlets of his poems, sometimes quoting from my own prose poems in the inscriptions.
    Issue #146 October 2023
  • About Tea translated from Czech by Stephan Delbos

    before we set out let’s promise each other
  • Passing Royalty and Dostadning: Beginner’s Translation

    I’m sorry I didn’t comprehend sooner how threatening
  • Ana Varela Tafur translated from Spanish by Yaccaira Salvatierra

    By the banks or the center of a river,
  • A Demitasse of Extinction

    So funny how that uncanny, unfunny man sought you out on a rainy day in Istanbul—you were in earshot of the bazaar and smoking a hookah, and, of course, it was Ramadan.
  • The Invention of Everyday Life

    A few days later Pierre arrived.
  • Light and Dark

    I like that the word light is powerful and yet so gentle, like a good man.
  • The Afterlife of Fish and Opossum

    Whenever we caught fish when we were boys,
  • Rondeau and Song

    She would have yawned to see a Pharaoh’s fall,
  • 5 under 35 curated by John A. Nieves

    2023 5 under 35 Feature for Plume Poetry Curated by John A. Nieves     JAN: Since our last 5…

    Issue #146 October 2023
  • Nautilus

    I fantasize about inhabiting a nautilus, how each chamber
  • The Wind Cried Mary  

    In 1967 when Hendrix coaxed, Are you experienced?
  • How I Felt the First Time I Tried It

    Like a clam’s tongue muscling
  • Our Bodies Ourselves

    No one would sit by Vicky Syme