Issue #74 September 2017

  • Human Technology

    Sunlit & dangerous, this country road.
  • walls | uncertain

    one morning
  • Abend in Skåne | Du, Nachbar Gott | Wie der Wächter

    The park is high. As from a house
  • Building the Boat, Trèboul (1930)

    Half-way, the basket nature of the ship
  • My Fjord | Someone Else’s Someone Else

    I will sail through my own fjord and I will name the fjord My Fjord.
  • Doing Sudoku on September 11, 2016 | Mini-Golf

    Confusion hadn’t yet released its poisons
  • Kathy Lou Schultz: Teaching African-American Poetry in the Age of Trump

    Teaching African American Poetry in the Age of Trump   Poetry can’t change the world. The world where we witness…

    Issue #74 September 2017
  • Editor’s Note

    Readers, as you will note, I have once again this month vacated my space in this note so that we…

    Issue #74 September 2017
  • Let the Dead Bury the Dead

    Surely she would want to hear one final song, something from the Carpathians, something folkloric about flying

    There are firm ones.  Soft, almost boneless ones.  Hardy/hearty ones.  Two-handed ones, cocooning.  Congratulatory
  • Lava Lakes and Petrified Forests in the Afterlife

    I watched a roomful of faces exert effort to remain unrevealed
  • Good Stuff | A Love Letter from Larkin

    There’s some good stuff on Youtube, someone writes.
  • Moss City

    City down to the last nuance is moss,
  • William Brewer: I Know Your Mind

    According to a recent New York Times article, drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans under…

    Issue #74 September 2017
  • A Sampler

    As you hold your breath, like a watchman waiting for sunrise. Let’s replace immediacy with a swift cataclysm, replace
  • Three Contemporary Russian Poets

      Viacheslav Kupriyanov, Dmitry Kuzmin, and Aleksandr Kabanov, Trans. by Alex Cigale Translator’s Note After hearing with an acceptance from…

    Issue #74 September 2017