Issue #95 July 2019

Andy Freeberg , from The Guardians, Pertov-Vodkin’s Bathing of a Red Horse, State Teetyakov  Gallery

  • Joshua Corey reviews Katy Bohinc’s “Scorpio”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson described “the poet” as one who saw through appearances, and made that seeing-
    Issue #95 July 2019
  • The Big Blow

    After the snow-soused April gale I wandered
  • Joy

    Even when the gods have driven you
  • A Nun to be Named

    I’ve been thinking about the nun who wouldn’t let me pee in fifth grade.
  • Lea, Skloot, Pankey, et. al.

    Eric Pankey on ‘Melancholia’ and “Trouble in Mind’: These two prose poems, as with most the prose poems I have…

    Issue #95 July 2019
  • Maurice Manning interviewed by Amanda Newell

    Maurice Manning: Railsplitter   I had the pleasure of speaking to Maurice Manning about his forthcoming collection, Railsplitter: Reflections on…

    Issue #95 July 2019
  • Walking into Metaphor

    A few weeks back, while snow persisted, no matter it was April, I headed into the woods, in part
    Issue #95 July 2019
  • Three Ballerinas & Blue Plaques

    After the war, my father bought three little porcelain figurines in Germany, three
  • Interlude for a Solitary Flute

    What is the age of the couple
  • Western Spinebill Sighting and the Absence of Tim

    Tim is at a Goethe Society lesson
  • My Groundhog

    I had a groundhog in my back yard.
  • Polar Bear & Memento Mori: Stradivarius

    I am relieved. For twenty-seven years,
  • Elegy & Brooklyn, 1957

    My brother told me we would join the Wide
  • Melancholia & Trouble in Mind

    On the periodic table, it is the densest of elements. It does not refract or reflect, but absorbs all
  • Observatory at the Prison

    The day is warm, so we take chips and pop from the visitation-room vending machines to a
  • Book of Dolls

    The psychoanalyst has left the building
  • Salvation, in B#

    Bigtime Baltimore, new
  • Old Lithographed Landscape & Woolgathering

    A causeway wavers all the tilted days