Plume Issue #155 July 2024

Amy Beeder, Nativity

  • Timothy Liu on Hafiz’s “Little Book of Life”

    Will the real Hafiz (Shams al-Din Mohammad Hafiz-e Shirazi, 1325-1390 CE), aka Hafez, please stand up?
    Plume Issue #155 July 2024
  • Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc  

    Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc   Ada Byron   It can be said…

  • Peter Campion’s “Unidentified Animal” | A Brief Portfolio and An Interview with Amanda Newell

    As the title suggests, the underlying energy of your remarkable new collection is a primal, restless one.
    Plume Issue #155 July 2024
  • Seven Slovene Poets introduced by Sydney Lea

    For reasons there’s no need to explore, I have had a long literary and personal attachment to Slovenia
    Special Feature
  • The Empty Bowl: Metaphor as Meaning by Michael Simms

    As English teachers, we know our job is to explain to students that a metaphor is a figure of speech in which an image stands for an idea.
    Plume Issue #155 July 2024
  • Three Poems translated from Spanish by Diana Conchado

    I have always liked bell towers
  • Three Poems and a Translation

    In life I was chasing a deer. In sleep the deer
  • Happiness on Earth

    Especially if you were waking
  • First Words

    In the marriage booth at sleep-away camp,
  • The Neighbor’s War and Walking Backwards

    Through my kitchen window I can watch
  • Three Poems

    I sat in the late day sun
  • For D, reading poems

    When I was a kid, only a flu could buy me
  • The Next Life and Windpowered

    Sea fog drifting through the pines—
  • A History of Mirrors

    We’ve accidentally collided with something real tonight
  • Lea, Ackerman, Stanton, et. al.

    Sydney Lea on Seven Slovene Poets Special Feature: I’ve had a long association with Slovenia by way of pure serendipity.…

    Plume Issue #155 July 2024
  • Delilah Miklave

    You think that you know baptism
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Our first time at the Sistine Chapel, prior to the restoration, the colors were dulled,