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  • Alex Averbuch translated from the Ukrainian by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky

    everything happened as in the early days of creation
  • Two Poems

    the way a kitchen’s dirty washcloth
  • Ten Days After the Dobbs Decision

    The possum loped into view, pouch dragging slow
  • Three Poems

    Woman in Drugstore, Receptionist, Counter Lady with Change for a Quarter, Clubwoman, Saleslady, Train Passenger
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I don’t know what the crows were arguing over
  • Two Poems

    In a blue wool cape and pearl earrings
  • “Denise to the Rescue” and “Needs Art”

    Hello, this is Denise, your Poem Advocate DO NOT
  • Abramovic

    The eyes are the edge of the central nervous system.
  • Sestina for an Idiom

    I was fifteen and all fights with my father ended
  • Two Poems

    A rectangular tray materializes, made
  • Three Poems

    Typos   Word instead of wood but, sodden, it smoked when it burned. I wrote god for good who was, once–– in my childhood years, crowned with the nimbus of that capital G–– but now tends to be a placeholder for nightmare, tears. Seeking solace in the pastoral, but grove came out as grave and the lymph nodes, irradiated, naked

  • Godscan

    The sun is the size of a human foot.