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  • Quickies in Widowhood with three instances of laughter (one not narrated), two instances of crying

    Amid the whiteness of cheeses, corn puffs,
  • White Zinfandel

    Again last night I dreamed the dream called Waiter.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I said goodbye to a friend who left a hole filled
  • From Night, by Ennio Moltedo, translated from Spanish by Marguerite Feitlowitz

    Can we go on like this?
  • Two Poems by Julia Nemirovskaya translated from Russian by Boris Dralyuk

    The thought that we might
  • SunRiders

  • Lazarus

    She sucks the cigarette
  • Braid Him Into the Earth

    Knee-high coffin of wicker, earth-boat floating through the woods.
  • One of a Series

    My daughter sees the sky from another angle, slate-blue reflected in a lake called living. 
  • Half the Time

    In an emergency
  • Archaeologists

    Archaeologists found
  • Heroic Register

    I imagine a bed in the middle of a room.