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  • Three Poems

    A little man was sleeping in the bright sunlight
  • Ode to Disarmament

    I am fairly sure that the leafhopper
  • Before and Rain

    Sweatpants balled up where his legs would be,
  • Mid-March

    If, when I sit here in my study
  • Spit from the Universe Magnified

    SIN. Lust in an exotic land. A
  • Master Class

    Demonstrate on mine, I say.
  • Destinations

    Why is it that the memory my mind chose
  • Three Poems

    Mud to your waist. Beside you, six men probing with broken
  • Twelve Wings & Mother of the Holy Hope

    It was difficult to get a nurse.
  • Pandemic Fugue

    These are the skies of my childhood
  • One for André Breton

    Always for the first time
  • I was trying to weigh darkness

    I was trying to weigh darkness how much does darkness weigh