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  • The Dead, At Home,

    snag on brush and low cactus.
  • Leaving the Big City

    So afterward I sat by the bosphorus blue water and many dazzling
  • Breakfast, the most important poem

    So far, pockets are good
  • A Demitasse of Extinction

    So funny how that uncanny, unfunny man sought you out on a rainy day in Istanbul—you were in earshot of the bazaar and smoking a hookah, and, of course, it was Ramadan.
  • Bear and the Crows

    So many in the winter trees they caw
  • Better Than Heaven

    So many set asides, you say, intemperate
  • the kitchen song

    so strong a wind

    So they brought in a bird for him,
  • South Hole

    So worship fire.
  • 80 Words for Rosmarie Waldrop at 80

  • Plastic Bag Caught in a Tree

    Some dark animal’s
  • Cassandra

    Some days I could go quietly into the spot where