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  • The Widow at Point Reyes and Broncoscopy

    She sat for an hour watching 10,000 tiny silver fish
  • Maria Dolores, Mother of Sorrows Quilts

    She sewed them from the old

    She speaks for him, her husband’s deepening
  • Lazarus

    She sucks the cigarette
  • Three Orgasm Poems

    She thinks success would be her best revenge. It’s not enough for her now, merely to be alive. Or to feel bliss in brief
  • What You Can’t Fix

    She was always fixing me, stuffing filler in my holes
  • Ars Poetica, with Cow

    She went back to look at the beast, which lay immobile except for one eye watching the girl who stood helpless beside
  • Callas Poems

    She whom you seek is not here!
  • Rondeau and Song

    She would have yawned to see a Pharaoh’s fall,
  • Letter From The Capital

    She writes: now we have wars between historical eras. We fight in time as well as space. 1914 vs. 1939 is a devastating

    Showers of snow geese.
  • Tsunami Letter—March 2011

    Shunning the safety of high ground