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  • Vesper

    The sky is blue for reasons other than atmospheric ones.
  • Two Poems

    The sky spills a certain sadness after sunset,
  • Nurse at a Bus Stop

    The slow traffic takes a good long look.
  • Cooking in Ashes

    The smile is missing; no joy around the eyes.
  • Natural History of the Soul

    The song thrush hops, runs, stands,
  • Bird of Paradise

    The songs of the mariachi in the park
  • Toussaint

    The soul, you said, is this sour wind, or this empty glass, the tiny steps of insects, these white iron
  • Aspect

    The spirit’s simulacra have obtained
  • Two Poems translated from Chinese by Steve Bradbury

    The still object Kazuo Ohno caressed is already growing old
  • Willem Van de Velde the Younger, Ships in a Gale (1660) and Matsumura Goshun, Crab (late 18th century)

    The storm dissolves the difference between wave,

    The summer I bought Pet Sounds at G.C. Murphy’s, I hadn’t gone a block from the store when on impulse I smashed
  • Godscan

    The sun is the size of a human foot.