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  • Reading Julio Cortázar after turning 70

    Years ago, there was your story about a man named John Howell.
  • Phoenix Hairpin Terrace

    Yes                              Feng-huang plus three syllables
  • Yes

    Yes, all things of water and our days rounded with light, yes,
  • Communion

    Yes, I will take home the meeting bread,
  • Inauguration Day

    Yes, like thousands of joyful poets today

    Yes, Ravidat, to follow the rabbit down its winding hole
  • Powder

    Yesterday I opened your pill box, and there
  • Her Stairs

    Yesterday upon the stair
  • Remembering Lethe

    Yesterday, a friend reached out:
  • Meditation on a Shower Rod at the Super 8

    You and I are snake bit. Can we postpone?
  • The Call |Palm

    You and I, we have been here before.
  • Guardian Angels Witness More Lives Than Yours

    You are eight years old.